Adult Usher Ministry/Jr. Usher Ministry
The purpose of the Usher Ministry is to direct worshipers to a seat, provide bulletins, envelopes and other literature and assist with other needs worshippers may have.
Contact: Sis. Earline Henry
Associate Ministers
The purpose of Associate Ministers is to offer opportunities to assist our Pastor with the spreading of the Gospel through preaching, teaching, visiting of the sick, and all other duties assigned by the pastor.
Contact: Pastor George I. Allison
Deacon Ministry
The purpose of the Deacon Ministry is to serve the Lord through visiting the sick, aiding the Pastor in baptismal services and the Lord’s Supper.
Contact: Deacon Frank Morehead
Deaconess Ministry
The purpose of the Deaconess Ministry is to the building up of the body of Christ by attending to the spiritual and physical needs of the congregation.
Contact: Deaconess Alice Morehead
Floral Ministry
The purpose of the Floral Ministry is to beautify God's house with floral arrangements. Decorations, corsages, floral arrangements, and other accessories are provided for Christmas, anniversaries and various occasions throughout the year.
Contact: Sis. Yvette Grant
Hospitality Ministry
The purpose of the Hospitality Ministry to prepare and serve meals to families during repasts and other special events. The Hospitality Ministry also serves as support to other ministries of the church during church and pastoral anniversaries and whenever deemed necessary.
Contact: Sis. Charlene Hargrove
Hostess Ministry
The purpose of the Hostess Ministry is to greet and welcome our members and visitors in a positive, friendly and spiritual manner.
Contact: Sis. Juanita Smith
Missionary Ministry
The purpose of the Missionary Ministry is to develop and implement a program of missions and mission awareness, both foreign and domestic, to balance the needs of the community with the resources of the church
Contact: Sis. Gloria McMasters
Music Ministry
The purpose of the Music Ministry shall be to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through song, setting the atmosphere for worship and the WORD.
The music ministry includes the:
Senior Choir- Contact: Sis. Michelle Horton Campbell
Gospel Choir- Contact: Sis. Cynthia Bethea
Male Chorus- Contact: Bro. Michael McLaughlin
Mass Choir- Contact: Sis. Erma Totten
Youth and Young Adults Choir- Sis. Latoya Southern
Praise &Worship – Sis. Gwen Cobb
Nurse’s Ministry
The purpose of the Nurses Ministry is to provide helpful health services to our worshipers. The Nurses Ministry takes a proactive approach to promoting health awareness to the congregation and the surrounding communities. We are blessed to have licensed health care professionals as a part of this ministry.
Contact: Sis. Pam Pass
Shepherd’s Ministry
The Pastor’s Aid Ministry assists the Pastor in carrying out his pastoral duties through spiritual, financial, and emotional support.
Contact: Sis. Barbara Colvin
Spiritual Dance Ministry
The mission of the Dance Ministry is to spread the Gospel by evangelizing, ministry, fellowship, discipleship and worship through dance as the Lord uses us. We are to minister in dance in such a way to bring others into the presence of God.
Contact: Sis. LaToya Southern & Sis. Gwen Cobb
Sunday School Ministry
The purpose of the Sunday School Ministry is to designed to educate our members on the principles of God's Word, in a teaching setting
Contact: Deaconess Valarie Pass
Trustee Ministry
The purpose of the Trustee Ministry is to be Christian stewards of the finances of the Church by using sound financial management principles and being administrators of the church’s finances, property, church assets and investments.
Contact: Sis. Sandra Manigault
TV Ministry/Sound Room
The purpose of the TV Ministry is to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the use of technology and media tools, as an outreach vehicle.
Contact: Sis. Carolyn Taylor
Vacation Bible School
The purpose of the VBS is designed for the summer-time that leads people of all ages to a relationship with Jesus Christ. We provide an on-campus experience that encourages our church kids to bring their friends.
Contact: Deaconess Norma Wilkins
Van Ministry
The purpose of the Van Ministry is to provide transportation to and from church ministry functions.
Contact: Sis. Tina Love
W.M Richmond Scholarship Fund
The purpose of the W.M. Richmond Scholarship Fund is to afford deserving student members of New Hope (who have completed one year of higher education at a college/university or community college) monetary incentive to continue their post-secondary education at the undergraduate level.
Contact: Deaconess Ann Gillespie
Women's Fellowship Ministry
The purpose of the Women’s Fellowship Ministry is to offer opportunities to women for spiritual growth, and personal development. This ministry is also designed to enhance fellowship among females of all age groups.
Contact: Deaconess Val Pass & Deaconess Alice Morehead